lundi 15 février 2010

F**s ! They killed Dumbo !

I started to work on the elephant that my friend Simon have sculpted. He sent me one for the Zama game we've been working on (me more as a slave painter : I don t even know which camp some of the minies I painted are going to be in !). He also sent me a few more infantrimens and some casualties.

J'ai commencé à bosser sur l'éléphant sculpté par mon ami Simon pour la démo Zama sur laquelle nous avons travaillé ces derniers mois (moi en tant que machine à peindre : je ne suis même pas certain de l'armée d'appartenance de certaines des troupes que j'ai peintes !). Il m'a aussi envoyé quelques fantassins et des marqueurs de pertes.

By the way : what killed Dumbo ?

7 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic stuff! I hope I win your one in out draw. I started 2 more yesterday, myself.

    Did Dumbo fall on a small chalet? ;-)

  2. Nope : It felt on the "toilets in the garden" ...

  3. Wow, Great stuff Gregory.

    Cheers Paul

  4. I really like the destroyed howdah. Very impressive!

  5. Thank you all. I must say that BRB's model was really great to work with. I didn t even had to "clean" the model !

  6. Wow very nice, a real master class here.

  7. Thanks Secundus. It s painted now, check there :
