Me voilà de retour chez moi. Après un mois presque vide sur le plan de la figurine puisque je n'ai rien fait à part ébarber quelques figurines.
Ce soir, collage d'environ 80 Thureophoroi sur des plaquettes de carton et collage des lances histoire de commencer la peinture dès demain. Je peins ces figurines pour mon ami Simon, dans le cadre de son projet Zama.
I'm back home. After a close to empty month miniatures speaking as I've done nothing but cleaning miniatures, I've glued around 80 Thurephoroi on cardboard bands and glued the lances (or javelins ? or ??) as I want to start painting them tomorow. I'm painting them for my friend Simon as my participation in his project : Zama.
EDIT : Les références données par Simon. Referencies by Simon :
I have packed up the first lot of figures for you; 80 Thureophoroi.
The Thureophoroi wear tunics in a mixture of colours (perhaps half white, some with red or purple edging on the tunics). All helmets are shiny bronze.
The Thureos shields are similar colours; half white, some red, pink, pale yellow. The shield spine can be the same colour as the background. The bosses on the shields are Iron; the edging is bronze.
In general they are going to look rather like these:-
Skin colours are dark Mediterranean, perhaps a little darker than the above. Some were from Greek ancestors, more Punic (=Israeli/Palestinian), some slightly darker berbers from the Atlas Mountains. Hair beards black brown.